Online Life Private Mentoring

Private online Unbox Life Mentoring packages with Sahar offer you personalised and sustainable support. Your 1-2-1 sessions are designed to tackle the root cause of your priority issues; which become clear during  your Discovery consultation. Quite often, the root cause lies where you do not expect it to. 

A Unique Approach

Sahar’s unique mentoring approach is the result of 29 years of experience. “I am an energy healer, a holistic therapist, and worked as a professional intuitive for decades. In fact, I was named three times as “One of The Best 100 Psychic in The World”! My intuitive abilities help me to connect with you on a deeper level. When I see you, I can gauge your level of awareness, what you need, and the right approach in designing your program”. With each session, you will have clarity right away. That’s my promise to you!

Let’s Start Unboxing!

Let us start unboxing your best life together! The first step of life mentoring and guidance is to complete your online assessment. I receive a copy automatically and get in touch with you to set up a convenient time to hold your 40-60 min Discovery Consultation over Zoom. I will send you the link to my meeting room minutes before your appointment. During the Discovery Consultation there is no obligation to commit. I record the session and send you a sound file afterwards by email. We will assess together where you are at now, what your goals are, and which Unbox package is right for you. I will lead you through the session. There is nothing for you to prepare. Just show up!

Integrative Life Mentoring

Improving one area of your life requires addressing other related aspects. Alignment is achieved when all fours aspects of being human are unboxed and in balance. For this reason, Unbox Mentoring is based on The Four Dimensions of Change, or BEMABody, Emotions, Mind and Accountability to Actions. You will learn all about them in our sessions. 

What To Expect

This is what you can expect when you mentor with me: You will claim your personal power back and start designing the life you are passionate about. You will begin to live joyfully. Your life path will unfold harmoniously. Please remember that you are in charge of your life! I hope by mentoring with me, you will discover how to get out of your own way, release fear and confusion, end your struggle and get back on track quickly. You will also learn how to continue maintaining your balance.

Your Commitment 

Once you commit, I expect you to honour your commitment and arrange your next appointment with me. I will not chase you! This is because you need to be committed to your own growth. Additionally, my time is valuable. I am committed to you if you honour your own commitment to yourself. Please note that mentoring packages are customised to suit your goals, needs, and budget

I recommended that you do not leave a gap of more than two weeks between sessions. As such, no refunds are offered once you enrol. Sessions must be completed within a set period for each package, otherwise you forfeit your package. If you live within the UAE, please contact me to send you Bank Details.

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